Sunday, April 26, 2009

There is a gut-wrenching epidemic spreading throughout our country. The symptoms are debilitating and deadly. The screams are silent. This week I would like to do my part to bring awareness to this epidemic.

Unfortunately our children; brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins, are being preyed upon every day. In 2004 for every 100,000 children and youth under 18 living in populated areas, 775 were either physically or sexually assaulted. These are only the reported cases. How many more suffered in silence?

Girls are the most preyed upon sexually, over 4 times as often as boys in the same grouping. Boys however, are physically assaulted more then 50% more often than their female counterparts. A chilling fact is that most are abused by someone they know. The group the most at risk are youth 12 to 17 where 1,504 are abused of every 100,000 youth of this age group. It is speculated that increased independence is to blame as their social circles widen. This number decreases to 419 for every 100,000 children 3 to 11 and 126 of every 100,000 toddlers under 3. One child, is too many.

These facts are not only mind boggling, they are tragic. Why is it that this cycle of abuse is so strong? Why is it that these numbers continue to grow year by year? Why do so many allow themselves to suffer repeatedly? In the 2004 General Social Survey (GSS) 394,000 spousal violence victims reported that children were witness through sight or sound, to the reported domestic violence incident. This is 33% of all reported cases for that year. 33% of all reported cases. How many more went unreported? Where does change start?

Change starts with you. Knowledge is power, and you now know. There are endless ways to get involved at any level of commitment. Check here for ideas in your area. Please, do not turn a blind eye to their everyday cries.

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