Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let the Celebrations Commence!

Finally, my favorite holiday of the year, Black Day, is upon us! After nursing my Valentines day wounds for 2 months I finally get to celebrate me!

For anyone unaware, Black day actually originated in South Korea. Singles of the world unite! I am adopting this day, I think we should start supporting it worldwide. Not in the over-commercialized way we celebrate Easter, Christmas and pretty much any other day we have given i title. More like the way we silently celebrate August long weekend by abandoning everything that seems strenuous and stealing a day back to ourselves. Hm mm, maybe we can make a small exception and permit a cake...

Anyone with a significant other, you are not allowed! We have to listen to your stories about your other half every other day, we need a rest.

Off I go to get a mani/pedi and eat beef with black been sauce out of a take-out container. I'm in heaven already!

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