Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough

The great MJ passed away this afternoon. I am not even sure I believe this yet. I almost hope that this is some elaborate hoax.

Jackson was an icon for generations. A talent as massive has his may never again exist. I have been glued to the updates and my heart goes out to his family.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wedgie Justice -- Man Ripped for Shooting Fox

Wedgie Justice -- Man Ripped for Shooting Fox

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I have had many 'a embarrassing moments in my life but this one takes the cake. As if the flash and one picture wasn't enough for this guy to appear the goof, he gets a wedgie. A grown man getting a wedgie in public. How do you play this one off?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Technically, still wrong!

Lil Wayne is hoping his lowers can get him off on a technicality after his January 2008 bust. Apparently the drug sniffing dogs used to find the coke he had stashed away were not qualified to find said coke.

They found it. You were caught. Get over it or better yet, don't do it.

Jon and Kate Divorce Docs -- Not for Your Eyes

Jon and Kate Divorce Docs -- Not for Your Eyes

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And it starts... As sad as it is that these children are going to have to grow up in such a broken home, was anyone really surprised? For those watching since the early seasons it seemed inevitable. Many condolences to each of the children. I gotta say tho, I am pro Jon, you can only steam roll someone so many times.

56 Lies?

The truth shall set you free! Well, not really in this case. Looks like the father of the 18 year old Brussels girl, who had 56 stars tattooed on her face, will end up coughing up the cash. Finally she has come clean that she really did ask for all of the tattoo's and did not fall asleep in the chair and previously claimed.

Was there ever really a question that she was lieing? I mean really? Does the thought of someone inches your face in your face drawing on it with a large motorized needle sound anything like a tranquil setting? Her excuse? She lied when her father became furiouse... If she thought Daddy would be okay with half her face looking like the american flag she must have been smoking something pretty strong.